Phlox latifolia Iron Mountain
(syn: Phlox ovata) We found this small phlox at 2,400′ elevation, north of Roanoke, Virginia, back in 2000. It has been a great performer and always draws attention at our Spring Open House. The only problem was getting it identified. Finally, we have determined it to be the little-known Phlox latifolia, an Appalachian native from Pennsylvania south to Alabama. Phlox latifolia is a great rock garden phlox since it makes a small 1′ wide patch of open rosettes, composed of 3″ long x 1″ wide thick green leaves. The clumps are topped with 15″ tall spikes of dark pink-lavender flowers in May and June…a hummingbird favorite. Phlox latifolia is somewhat anti-social, since it prefers an open site where it will not be crowded by neighbors.