Paeonia ostii Feng Dan Bai
Paeonia ostii is, in our humble opinion, one of the finest peony species for the garden. Hailing from Gansu, Hunan, and surrounding Chinese provinces, Paeonia ostii grows equally as well in hot, humid NC as it does in the deep freeze of Minnesota. Paeonia ostii forms a 5′ tall, well-branched specimen in 15 years, topped for us, starting in late March, with over 125, 8″ wide, fragrant white (occasionally blush pink) flowers per plant…untouched by late spring frosts. Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan Bai’ is a Chinese seed strain, whose roots are grown for use as a medicinal anti-spasmodic…the kind someone would need if they tried to harvest the roots of my plant. We cannot imagine gardening without Paeonia ostii!