Lilium maculatum ssp davuricum f rebunense
I knew I was in love again when Lilium maculatum ssp. davuricum f. rebunense first flowered in our garden in 2012. The dwarf Rebun Island lily is endemic to Japan’s Rebun Island, north of Hokkaido (same latitude as Montreal, Canada), where it grows among the rocks along the seacoast. Rebun Island is known for its dwarf alpine plants and this form of Lilium maculatum ssp. davuricum is no exception. In our garden, Rebun lily tops out at an amazing 5″ tall…that’s right, 5″ tall. The bright orange, spotted brown, upfacing flowers are absolutely exquisite…the classic, “Honey, I shrunk the lilies.” Each plant is topped in spring with 3-5 flowers in mid-June (NC)…a perfect plant for the rock garden that will truly leave visitors scratching their heads.