Heuchera Electric Plum PP 29924
Heuchera ‘Electric Plum’ from Walters Gardens is another amazing Heuchera villosa hybrid coral bell that takes the genus to a new standard of garden performance. The 10″ tall x 18″ wide clumps are composed of leaves with a fluorescent purple base, highlighted by black veins and stems. The 2′ tall stalks of pink flowers make for an attractive floral show as well.
Heuchera ‘Electric Plum’ is a relatively maintenance free perennial. After flowering is finished, we like to cut back the old flower stalks, for a tidier appearance, but it has not effect on the growth of the plant.
Heucheras by nature are short-lived perennials, with a life expectancy of 5-7 years. When plants begin to decline, they can be lifted, divided, and reset, to start the clock ticking again. We have had the best success doing this in fall, but most likely other seasons will work as well.
Growing Conditions:
Good drainage is the key to growing heuchera successfully. Good drainage does not mean the plants cannot tolerate irrigation or rainfall, just that the moisture must drain away quickly. Light shade to a couple of hours of early morning sun works best. Deep shade is not conducive to growing good coral bells.
Garden Value:
Heuchera ‘Electric Plum’ is prized for it’s attractive vertical stalks of pink flowers as well as it’s purple mottled evergreen foliage, which adds winter interest to the woodland gardens.
Natural Impacts:
Bees and to a lesser extent hummingbirds are the main pollinators that you’re likely to see on your Electric Purple coral bells.