Cypripedium segawae
(aka: Cypripedium segawai) Cypripedium segawae is an endangered Taiwanese ladyslipper orchid from Hualien Province, where it can be found hanging off the steep forested mountain cliffs between 4,000′ and 6,000′ elevation. The fuzzy leaves make a lovely foil for the 10″ tall spikes of bright yellow pouches and similarly colored sepals. Compared to most ladyslipper orchids, Cypripedium segawae has a long, 9-month growing season, emerging early and remaining up late. As with most ladyslipper orchids, Cypripedium segawae prefers moist, rich, well-drained organic soil, although it seems to have no preference for acidic or alkaline soils. Our offerings are seed-propagated, flowering-sized plants.