Clematis Sapphire Indigo PP 17012
(aka: Clematis ‘Cleminov 51’) Clematis ‘Sapphire Indigo’ is an amazing clematis hybrid from French plant breeder Laurence Arene-Querard (say that three times fast), whose goal was to cross bush clematis with large-flowering vining clematis. Clematis ‘Sapphire Indigo’ has been amazing in our trials, flowering consistently from late spring to early fall with 4″ recurved petal, dark purple flowers. Clematis ‘Sapphire Indigo’ is a cross of the non-vining Clematis x diversifolia (C. integrifolia x C. viticella ‘Olgae’) and the vining Clematis ‘The President’. Clematis ‘Sapphire Indigo’ is a well-behaved mingler with other perennials but, when left alone, forms an 18″ tall x 3′ wide mound of 2′ long arching stems. We’re making the illegally used trademark the cultivar name, since Cleminov 51 isn’t a real word and trademark law obviously went unread.
‘Sapphire Indigo’ is a very low maintenance perennial. At the end of the growing season, simply cut the plant off at the ground, and you’re ready for a new season.
Growing Conditions:
Good drainage is the key, since clematis detest wet soils. Full sun for 4-6 hours is essential for best flowerings.
Natural Impacts:
Clematis ‘Sapphire Indigo’ is yet another great attractor for pollinators like native bees, as it sprawls along the ground, weaving its way through other nearby perennials.