Canna glauca Karin
We are pleased to introduce Canna glauca ‘Karin’, a new Pat McNeal selection of the North American native (Texas, Louisiana, and naturalized in Florida and South Carolina) Canna glauca. Canna ‘Karin’ produces 5′ tall stalks, clothed in 2′ long x 6′ wide, glaucous, blue-green leaves, and topped all summer with stalks of narrow-petalled, butterscotch flowers, suffused with cherry red toward the throat. Although Canna glauca is found naturally in wet sites like pond edges, it adapts well to typical, non-desert garden conditions. The starchy rhizomes of Canna glauca have long been used as a food source, although we haven’t felt inclined to indulge just yet. For those who love butterflies, Canna glauca is also host to the diurnal Brazilian Skipper.