Asarum harperi Velvet Queen
(aka: Asarum shuttleworthii var. harperi) Asarum ‘Velvet Queen’ is a selection of the American native evergreen wetland-growing wild ginger, Asarum harperi, which can be found in scattered sites in Georgia and Alabama, where it grows in wet seeps, along streams, and in bogs. The heart-shaped, glossy, dark green leaves of Asarum harperi ‘Velvet Queen’ (double the size of Asarum ‘Callaway’) are each highlighted by a dramatic silver pattern. Tucked just below the foliage in late spring are the large 1.5″-2″ long barrel-shaped purple flowers speckled with yellow. Asarum harperi ‘Velvet Queen’ is a slowly spreading wild ginger that forms a stunning evergreen ground cover in the moist woodland garden.