Arisaema lichiangense
Arisaema lichiangense hails from dry, open areas at 7,000-10,000′ elevation in the provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan, China. Arisaema lichiangense is a rarely cultivated Jack-in-the-pulpit species, closely related to the better known Arisaema candidissimum and Arisaema fargesii. The trifoliate (3-lobed) leaves, often with a blue-green cast, emerge alongside the flower spikes in early June (NC). Atop the 6″ tall flowering stalk (pseudostem) sits a pulpit of green with purple striping. Just below the arched hood is a small curved black spadix. We have grown Arisaema lichiangense in our garden for many years and found it to be a good garden specimen, although it is more vigorous in colder zones.