Arisaema kiushianum
Arisaema kiushianum is one of the easiest Jack-in-the-pulpits to grow and it multiplies well so you can divide the clump after a few seasons to share with your friends. We think Arisaema kiushianum is possibly the cutest member of the genus Arisaema, boasting a solitary leaf with 7-13 leaflets that sits atop a 15″ tall green petiole (stalk). The stunning 8″ tall flower stalk of Arisaema kiushianum emerges from the ground beside the petiole in late April (NC). The narrow tip of the flower pitcher (spathe) folds over on itself, and the inside of the pitcher is dark purple-and-white striped with a dramatic white T-mark engraved in the back. The long, whip-like tongue (spadix) extends 6″ out from the pitcher in hopes of luring insects…for sexual purposes only!