Amorphophallus konjac
(aka: Amorphophallus, Hydrosme rivieri) This unusual, hardy, tuberous aroid has one giant divided leaf on top of a 4-5′ tall, green and purple mottled, fleshy stalk (petiole). When old enough, the tuber produces a fascinating 5′ flower (early May, before the leaf emerges) resembling a giant vase made from the purple vinyl used for cheap ’70s car seats. The vase (spathe) is home to a 3′ purple spadix that sits atop a 2′ speckled petiole…gather your neighbors for the fragrant flowering ritual. After flowering, the plant may rest for months before the leaf emerges. The mother tuber will form offsets, eventually making a giant clump…very exotic and unusual! Amorphophallus konjac has long been prized medicinally for its weight loss properties and is now used in many weight loss products. As we can attest, if you’ve ever eaten Amorphophallus konjac you can easily understand why it would make you lose weight. We ship quarter-sized or larger tubers that are 3-4 years from flowering size.