Aloysia virgata
We have grown Aloysia virgata since 2001 and it has become one of our favorite summer flowering plants. In our climate, tree verbena dies to the ground in winter and behaves as an 8′ tall perennial, whereas in more southerly climates it makes a large open shrub to 15′. The upright woody stems of Aloysia virgata are clothed with dark green sandpapery leaves. Starting in July and continuing until a hard frost, the branches end in terminal spikes of extremely fragrant white flowers that attract butterflies, other cool insects, and even garden visitors. The intoxicating fragrance of vanilla almond is strongest in late afternoon and evening.
Here in zone 7b Piedmont North Carolina Aloysia virgata dies to ground each winter so the only maintenance it requires is to cut it to the ground at some point before new growth starts in spring. Aloysia virgata might need some renewal-pruning in milder areas where it does not die back each winter. It could also be cut back hard if it is necessary to restrict its size. As it blooms on new wood it will bloom even if cut back hard in late winter or spring.
Growing Conditions:
Full sun for 6 hours a day or more is best. Average soils that don’t stay soggy are ideal.
Garden Value:
Aloysia virgata’s fragrance of almonds and vanilla is the best reason to grow this plant. It will perfume a garden space especially in the evening. Place it near a space that is used at that time of the day such as a patio. Numerous spikes of tiny white flowers are produced for months during summer and early fall. Pollinators love Aloysia virgata for the abundance of nectar and a long flowering period.
Natural Impact:
Aloysia virgata is a good supporter of pollinators and as a member of the verbena family (Verbenaceae) it is probably not grazed by deer.