Agave victoriae reginae ssp swobodae
Agave victoriae-reginae ssp. swobodae is one of the new taxa of the Mexican Queen Victoria agave, named after 2011 DNA studies show five distinctly different genetic groups residing under the same name…and we can’t have that! First discovered by Czech seed collector, Josef Halda in 2000, Agave victoriae-reginae ssp. swobodae comes from the Sierra Madre escarpments that run through southern Coahuila and northeastern Durango. Here, it resides on limestone soils, and forms compact 1′ tall x 1′ wide rosettes with leaves that are 1/2 the length of typical Agave victoriae-reginae. The foliage of our seed crop is quite variable…some look like typical Agave victoriae-reginae and others look like Agave nickelsiae, and some resemble Agave pintilla…what an interesting mess.