Showing 253–264 of 598 results

Delosperma Jewel of Desert Peridot PP 23566 Supply

Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $5.50.
Delosperma Jewel of Desert Peridot PP 23566Delosperma ‘Rise and Shine’ from Nishikawa Koichiro of Japan’s Florsaika, is one of the

Dicentra scandens Athens Yellow Sale

Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $11.50.
Dicentra scandens Athens Yellow (aka: Dactylicapnos scandens) This Allan Armitage selection (cutting-propagated) of the rare, climbing, yellow-flowered bleeding heart was

Digitalis ferruginea Gigantea Gelbar Herold Fashion

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $7.50.
Digitalis ferruginea Gigantea Gelbar HeroldThis 1990’s introduction, whose translated name means “yellow harbinger”, was introduced in 1990 by Jelitto Seed.

Digitalis Waldigone PP 20937 on Sale

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $8.50.
Digitalis Waldigone PP 20937 (aka: Digitalis ‘Goldcrest’) Digitalis ‘Waldigone’ is an introduction from British plant breeder David Tristram. This cross

Disporopsis sp nov Lily Pads Fashion

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $12.49.
Disporopsis sp nov Lily Pads We are pleased to share this amazing disporopsis, imported by our friend, plantsman Hayes Jackson,

Disporum flavens Online Sale

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.
Disporum flavens (aka: Disporum uniflorum) We first encountered this fairy bell in the wild in 1997 on Korea’s Ulleung Island.

Draba athoa Online Sale

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $8.00.
Draba athoa (aka: Draba lasiocarpa) Here in the draba-less heat and humidity of the Southeast US, we are always thrilled

Dyckia choristaminea Frazzle Dazzle Fashion

Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $14.00.
Dyckia choristaminea Frazzle Dazzle Thanks to our friends at Yucca Do, who suggested we try Dyckia choristaminea for winter hardiness.

Echeandia texensis Loma del Potrero Cercado Online now

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $8.50.
Echeandia texensis Loma del Potrero Cercado By all rights, this rare Southeast US native Echeandia texensis shouldn’t be winter-hardy for

Echinacea Adam Saul PP 21023 Sale

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $8.00.
Echinacea Adam Saul PP 21023This new introduction from Itsaul Plants forms a 2′ tall x 2′ wide clump with over

Echinacea Chiquita PP 24505 on Sale

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.
Echinacea Chiquita PP 24505We think Echinacea ‘Chiquita’, from Terra Nova, is one of the finest light yellow-flowered coneflowers we’ve trialed.

Echinacea Coral Reef PP 21888 Online now

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $8.00.
Echinacea Coral Reef PP 21888 Echinacea ‘Coral Reef’ is a wild and crazy 2009 Terra Nova introduction that produces large