Agave parryi ssp huachucensis Wakefield Online Sale

Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $15.20.
Agave parryi ssp huachucensis Wakefield Agave parryi ssp. huachucensis ‘Wakefield’ is a seed strain from a population of huge plants

Agave parryi ssp neomexicana Culberson Giant Hot on Sale

Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $11.50.
Agave parryi ssp neomexicana Culberson Giant (Agave neomexicana KJS 362) Thanks to Colorado plantsman Kenton Seth for sharing seed of

Agave parryi ssp neomexicana Fashion

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $10.50.
Agave parryi ssp neomexicana (aka: Agave neomexicana) The North American native, Agave parryi ssp. neomexicana, hails from the dry deserts

Agave parryi ssp truncata Bed of Nails Fashion

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $13.60.
Agave parryi ssp truncata Bed of Nails Agave parryi ssp. truncata ‘Bed of Nails’ is a Plant Delights introduction that’s

Agave parryi ssp truncata Online Sale

Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $14.00.
Agave parryi ssp truncata Agave parryi ssp. truncata, considered one of the most beautiful of all the agaves, has a

Agave parviflora ssp flexiflora Online

Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $11.50.
Agave parviflora ssp flexiflora Agave parviflora ssp. flexiflora is the Sonora, Mexico counterpart to the southern Arizona Agave parviflora ssp.

Agave protamericana Silver Surfer Discount

Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $15.20.
Agave protamericana Silver Surfer Agave ‘Silver Surfer’ is a 2007 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction that we made from seedling of a

Agave striata Live Wires Sale

Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $14.40.
Agave striata Live Wires (aka: Echinoagave striata) Agave striata ‘Live Wires’ is a clonally-propagated cultivar of the porcupine century plant,

Agave titanota X Rays on Sale

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $22.00.
Agave titanota X Rays Agave titanota ‘X-Rays’ is a 2017 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction of a Hans Hansen’s century plant selection.

Agave utahensis ssp kaibabensis Online

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $14.50.
Agave utahensis ssp kaibabensis Agave utahensis ssp. kaibabensis is a very slow growing, but very hardy century plant from the

Agave weberi Arizona Star Fashion

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $10.50.
Agave weberi Arizona Star Agave ‘Arizona Star’ is a PDN introduction, propagated from a plant we discovered in a block

Amorpha nana Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $8.50.
Amorpha nanaAmorpha nana is a Midwest/Great Plains US native plant that forms an attractive dwarf, rock garden-sized shrublet to 3′