Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Alcea rugosa Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $10.50.
Alcea rugosa Alcea rugosa is a superb but rarely encountered hollyhock from Russia that’s been one of the best performers

Allium splendens var kurilense Online now

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.
Allium splendens var kurilense (aka: Allium kurilense) Allium splendens var. kurilense is a lovely dwarf, rock garden-sized ornamental allium that

Asparagus verticillatus Fashion

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.
Asparagus verticillatus Imagine an asparagus that behaves like a twining vine to 15′ tall, has glossy green foliage covered in

Carex siderosticta Snow Cap Online Sale

Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $13.00.
Carex siderosticta Snow Cap We are quite excited to share Carex siderosticta ‘Snow Cap’… one of the most exciting sedges

Clematis integrifolia Lake Baikal Discount

Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $13.00.
Clematis integrifolia Lake Baikal This stunningly floriferous seed strain of Clematis integrifolia comes from Russia’s famous Lake Baikal (the world’s

Galanthus woronowii Sale

Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $5.50.
Galanthus woronowiiGalanthus woronowii, named for Russian botanist Georg Woronow (1874

Lysichiton camtschatcensis Sale

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.
Lysichiton camtschatcensis We have been thrilled and surprised be able to grow the Asian aroid, Lysichiton camtschatcensis in our hot,

Maianthemum japonicum on Sale

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $8.00.
Maianthemum japonicum (Syn: Smilacina japonica) Maianthemum japonicum is a little-known but very garden worthy false Solomon’s seal that hails from

Maianthemum japonicum Snow Dragon on Sale

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $25.60.
Maianthemum japonicum Snow Dragon Oh my! The creamy-edged leaves of Maianthemum japonicum ‘Snow Dragon’ are just scrumptious for those who

Orostachys malacophylla Online Sale

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $11.00.
Orostachys malacophylla (syn: Sedum malacophyllum) If you like sedums and hens and chicks, then you’ll love their cousin, Orostachys. The

Salvia nutans Fashion

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $10.50.
Salvia nutans (aka: Salvia pendula) We were smitten when we first saw Salvia nutans in the German garden of plantsman

Sedum spurium Leningrad White Supply

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $7.50.
Sedum spurium Leningrad WhiteThis selection of the popular Sedum spurium was received by our friend Crazy Ed Skrocki of Ohio