Arisaema grapsospadix Alishan
(Arisaema A1TW-356) Arisaema grapsospadix ‘Alishan’ is a 2018 Plant Delights introduction of our 2005 collection from 5,300′ elevation on Taiwan’s Mt. Ali, where it grew in the dense shade of a forest of cryptomerias. While it has been winter hardy for us in the ground since 2005, our winters are too cold for it to produce flowers, so in cold climates, we recommend growing it in a cold frame or greenhouse. Arisaema grapsospadix goes summer dormant, and begins to re-sprout for us in fall, and flowers, starting in mid-March. The 1′ tall spikes are rich green with a lovely contrasting ghostly white throat and a barbed tongue. Arisaema grapsospadix is a slowly offsetting species, so it will probably be many more years before we offer it again.