Agave victoriae reginae Shin Yukiyama
(aka: Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Marginata Alba’) Agave victoriae-reginae is a very slow offsetting form of the amazing Queen Victoriae century plant. We purchased a thumb-size plant for a “yuuge” amount of money in 2005, and these are the first plants we are able to share…and there aren’t many. Agave ‘Shin Yukiyama’ forms 8″ tall x 1′ wide rosettes of symmetrical stiff green leaves with only a terminal spine. Each leaf is edged with a wide creamy border. If grown in full sun, the creamy edge will sur burn along the border, so a bit of morning sun or a very open shade would be best. As with all clones of Agave victoriae-reginae, Agave ‘Shin Yukiyama’ prefers to be kept a bit drier than many other agaves…especially in winter.