Yucca Red Rover
Yucca ‘Red Rover’ is an exciting accidental discovery made when Yucca rostrata seedlings we obtained in the mid-1990s from a Southern Texas source turned out to be hybrids with Yucca rigida. In appearance, Yucca ‘Red Rover’ appears to be Yucca rostrata with lovely powder blue leaves, but the leaves are slightly shorter and stiffer, have tiny marginal serrations toward the base, and the flower stalks, which hold the candelabra of white bell-like flowers in spring, are a stunning burgundy red. If you like Yucca rostrata, you’ll fall head over heels for Yucca ‘Red Rover’. Our offerings are seed grown, so each is different in terms of leaf length and flower stalk coloration. Expect a 5′ tall, trunked specimen after 10 years of good growth.