Agave nickelima Mako Shark
I picked up this Agave nickelsiae x Agave asperrima hybrid from Holland’s Succulenta Nursery in 2004 under the name of Agave x nigra. Since then, it has made a small, 1′ tall x 15″ wide, fast-offsetting garden clump in 9 years…dramatically smaller than its sister cross, Agave ‘Sharkskin Shoes’. We have given this the name Agave ‘Mako Shark’ to distinguish it from the other hybrids of the same cross. In addition to being smaller than Agave ‘Sharkskin Shoes’, Agave ‘Mako Shark’ has more incurved leaves and slightly longer terminal black spines. Like other clones of the Agave x nigra cross, Agave ‘Mako Shark’ has no spines on the leaf edges.