Trillium flexipes
In our opinion, Trillium flexipes is the finest of the white-flowered trilliums for the woodland garden. It has a large native range, from Minnesota south to Alabama, where it can be found on forested slopes growing in alkaline soils. In stature, some forms of Trillium flexipes can easily be mistaken for Trillium grandiflorum, Trillium erectum, Trillium cernuum, or Trillium rugelii. Trillium flexipes, which can produce several flowering stalks from a single rhizome, reaches 18″ tall when it starts flowering in mid-April (NC). The outward-facing, creamy white flowers are held just above the terminal whorl of green leaves. Our flowering-sized plants are all nursery-propagated from seed collected from Tennessee’s Morgan County region on the eastern end of the Cumberland Plateau…a long and arduous process.