Primula Dale Henderson
Primula ‘Dale Henderson’ is a plant we acquired in 1996 from the now deceased, plantswoman Dale Henderson of Virginia. In a climate where most primroses fear to tread, Primula ‘Dale Henderson’ has been a star for more than a quarter century, getting better every year to the point that we finally have enough to share. The vigorous clumps are topped, starting in March, with 6″ tall spikes ending in a cluster of cerise-coral flowers, highlighted by a yellow center. We can’t say enough great things about this a superb selection. Average to slightly dry soils are perfect.
Primula ‘Dale Henderson’ requires very little maintenance. Removing spent flower stalks will improve its appearance. Its foliage is clean and attractive nearly all year long, though it is normal for the foliage to become a bit raggedy by late summer and to even suffer from spider mites at this time. Worry not, for its normal life cycle is to produce fresh foliage in early fall which will sale through winter unfazed by cold weather. So remove tired foliage as it starts to put up new foliage in early fall. It is at this time of the year that it is best to divide old clumps for they will quickly re-establish as they resume active growth in the fall. Clumps can be divided down to single crowns if one wants to maximize the number of new plants, and nearly every division will flower come spring. Old clumps can be divided into smaller clumps if one doesn’t want to go as far as dividing into single crowns. Water in well after planting new divisions and continue to water if rains are sparse while fall remains warm.
Growing Conditions:
Light shade and average moisture and drainage suit Primula ‘Dale Henderson’ best. It will thrive where ever Hosta thrive, It will tolerate intermittent dry spells though the foliage tends to suffer more.
Garden Value:
Primula ‘Dale Henderson’ is a lovely addition to the floral display in spring in a shade garden. Its quilt-textured foliage is attractive fall through winter.